Hi Heroes Becca Here!
1. I'm 12
2. I'm not much play SHU
3 . I like SHU
4. My fave Game on shu is Springbot 
5. I leave on Philippines
That's All SHU Heroes 
Cya on SHU some day!
Heya heroes! I'm the hero who u see everytime in the plaza! Or mostly you see me in the coast! So anyway here's some info:
1.I love playing SHU
2.I love this candy called Rainbow Puffs! YUM!!
3.My hobby on SHU is doing glitches.
4.I'm a kind hero!
That's all heroes!
Hi Space Heroes Fansite ;)

- Im An Owner/Admin/Author On This Or My Weebly 
- Im 100% Playing Shu
- I Already Meet The Popular Mods
- I Have Some Bff's In Shu


Hey Space Heroes I'm Superkid a new admin/author on this blog can't wait to give you the latest updates on Space Heroes.
See you soon